Beginning February 9th, over these 21 days leading into the Fill the Bowls stadium gathering, we encourage you to press into these scriptures together daily. Let's dive into the word together and encourage one another as the day approaches.
The Daniel Fast: A Guide
A Daniel Fast is a spiritual discipline designed to help us become better connected to God. A Daniel Fast is a partial fast, where we abstain from some foods that are normally in most of our daily diets. Typically a Daniel Fast lasts for only 21 days, which is the length of time Daniel fasted while in captivity in Babylon. This informational guide to the Daniel Fast will teach you about the Daniel Fast, the foods to eat and what not to eat, the purpose for our Daniel Fast and also recipes to help you with food choices during this time of fasting. Not only will we be fasting, but we will also be praying. Our chapel will be open daily Monday – Friday during the 21 days of fasting for those who would like to come pray during their lunch hour. The chapel will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. There will be recorded worship music playing, to aid in your prayer time. Fridays we will have LIVE worship from 12 to 1 pm. Remember, fasting and prayer go hand-in-hand. Fasting without prayer is only a diet program. You can get a print copy of the Daniel Fast Guide during any service at Abundant Grace Community Church or you can view it on your tablet or phone