The Ladies Discipleship Class is available for all women who wish to grow even closer to the Lord in their daily lives. Through study, understanding, prayer and encouragement, we learn together from God's Word, the disciplines and truths that enable living in a constant victory no matter the circumstances. Come be a part of this dynamic group of lovely women who have chosen to get up a little earlier and climb a little higher in their relationship to our Creator, Savior and Helper!

Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the Chapel, North Classroom


Loving like God


Casa Angelina Project

Our project goal is to sew a beautiful quilt for every child at Casa Angelina located in the country

A Godly project that has
 Blessed everyone involved.

- Emelia

Christian sisters sewing quilts for orphans widows and rescue children.  We feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with every stitch.

- Lizbeth