Are you looking for a great Youth Service for your teenagers?
Are you  looking  for a place to grow as a young Adult?
We invite you to join us at IGNITE!
Experience the powerful praise and worship.
Draw closer to God with the an amazing word from Pastor Simeon and Lisa and the rest of the ISM leadership team.
Meet other youth and young adults who are on fire for God Just like you. We believe that fellowship and discipleship enable the spiritual growth in our students.

IGNITE consists of three parts:
Junior High (6th - 8th Grade), High School (9th – 12th Grade)
and Young Adults (ages 18-26)

For more information
Call Pastor Simeon Finley | 956-309-6700
Or Email at: simeon@agcc.tv

click to watch the recap

Sunday mornings


ISM  Jr High and High School Meets the second and fourth Sunday in the
Youth Building right after worship.
  Come and stop by and see what ISM is all about! 

wednesday nights


ISM also meets every Wednesday

in the Youth building

 for worship and the Word!  

Come see for yourself what ISM is all about! 

ISM Young adults

We are so excited to announce the start of ISM Young Adults.
ISM Young adults is for young people ages 18-26.
Whether your going to college or working full time your welcome to join us!
We meet Every First Friday of the month.
Join us for Worship, the Word, Food and Fun!

If you would like to join us please feel free to fill out the form below and We will let you know about our up coming meeting.